Sunday 8 December 2019

How To Choose MQL4 Live Trading Result For Profitable Currency Trading

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MetaQuotes Language 4 or MQL4 is a programming language that comes with Metatrader 4 (MT4). It is use to write and test Forex Trading Strategy that can run on computer to trade automatically. Most of the Expert Advisor (EA) are using this and many have successfully code into profitable program for their trading needs. I will look at some of the factors when selecting EA from live trading results. This is an old term used in many investment projects and it is used to determine how profitable the program is. Comparing to Stocks and unit trust performance which is between 10 to 20% annually, Forex trading gives higher ROI of 100 to 200% annually. This is due to the leverage of the currency and the 24 hours trading features which makes it easy to trade and small capital of 1:200 leverage required to trade and hold. This in the case of stocks, can be option warrant or contract for difference, but the holding power is still much less attractive then Forex.

In most case ROI is measured against monthly or annually.

currency futures trading2 for micro lot trading (0.1 of mini lot or 0.01 of standard lot). 50 for a 5% gain in stock and share assuming 10K capital used for both trading setup. In most case ROI is measured against monthly or annually. A good strategy Forex trading program will give 10% ROI monthly. Which equal to more then 100% anuually returns. 40%. Therefore, trading is almost looking at long term consistent profits, not short term gains. For live trading, at least 12 months of trading would gives a good ROI indicator of the program. This is important to any Forex trading program as it is a measure of its true abilities to trade and gain profit. Profit factor is measured by taking total profit winnings divide by total losses. Any number that is more then 1 will means that the program actually earn more then it lose. A good profit factor of 2 or 3 is desirable as it have to handle stop loss and bid-spread pip losses. This are 2 main problem for many Forex trading program and one of the most effective ways to counter it is to increase the profit factor.

Anything less then 1.2 is consider no good. Draw Down is common in Forex trading when the trades has not hit any stop loss. But comparing to Maximum Draw Down, Futures Trading Software it is the largest losses the account made include realized profit (loss) and unrealized profit (loss). Realized profit refer to trade that loss pips and are executed by the broker (Buy and then sell or Sell and then Buy). Unrealised profit is trade that is still holding on yet to let go. This is significant as it will affect your margin call calculation when you are running multiple trading programs. As a general rule is to have less then 15% or 20% draw down. You still have room to run another 2 more program to maximum your ROI while maintain your account margin. Author's Bio: I support green products and actively involved in recycling movement. Currently am blogging, affiliate marketing, selling holiday gifts online and trading Forex to earn extra income to support family on top of having a full-time job. Please Register or Login to post new comment. GigaFx Review - The Legit Platform For Online Trading? How to make Forex Trading Easier? Three ways to become a millionaire! Spice Up Your Affirmations!

forex bank internetAs per Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), forex trading hours make headway worldwide. Forex is one of the highest traded financial instrument in the world. 5 trillion USD are taken place. Investors and traders quickly turnaround with the currency fluctuation every day due to which other financial markets are not as highly traded as compared to forex. Here we will list out different segments through which you can trade currency in the Forex Market. At spot market prices are quoted at the moment in time where it got his name. A broker gives a spot price that the trader has to follow then start the trade if he or she is interested and it will most likely take two days for the transaction to deliver. Spot trading is very common type of currency trading. Buyer / Seller agrees to exchange currency at the future date at the future value. The broker and trader will quote the price depending on the value of the currency in the future.

It would usually take six months to fix the details but may differ in other countries. In some countries trade duration can be one month, three months or one day as well. Depending upon duration of the currency exchange, forward contracts are then negotiated between parties. Similar to forward contract, broker and trader fixes the price based on the future value of the money. Dealing will include fixed maturity date and a fixed contract size. Usually duration of future contract is of 3 months and settled at a specific date. Due to which in terms of obligation between the parties are similar to forward contracts. This type of trading is mainly participated by traders, investors or fund managers to hedge their open positions. The most widely recognized kind of forward exchange is the swap trading. In this, buyer and seller exchange currency for a specific period of time and consent to turn around the exchange at a later period. These are not exchanged traded or not institutionalized contracts. A deposit is frequently required keeping in mind the end goal to hold the position open until the exchange is fully completed. An alternative derivative for forex trader is option trading.

forex trading forex rates forexIn this buyer has the privilege however not the obligation to trade another currency at the pre-agreement price on a predetermined date. Forex options is one the most liquid and biggest market for option traders in the world. Currencies are always traded in pairs, and most traders stick to some well-known currencies such as USD, EUR, GBP, JPY, CAD, and CHF. One can have a CAD-USD dollar pairs shown as CAD/USD. As a trader one should be stronger enough in analysis for choosing currency trade with the intension to make a profit. It is advisable to protect yourself with stop-loss order when trading due to the risks involved in the Forex Market. There are demo accounts used by forex broker that are similar to real accounts. These can be used to trade with virtual money, and there are also some online and offline resources available to get information. As an investor or a trader, you should firstly participate in virtual trading before investing your capital to analyze your analytical skills. What is Forex Market? A greek, passionate blogger and traveller who loves to travel around the world to enhance knowledge and to share information thru various writings. Your email address will not be published. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed.

There is a reason that 95% of human investors fail to make money with Forex trading-it is difficult.

Trading Forex can make you a lot of money if you know what you are doing. However, it can also lose you a lot of money if you are not careful. There are plenty of Forex trading software programs out there, and most of them claim they can get you huge returns on your investments. However, you need to be cautious about which programs-if any-you use. There is a reason that 95% of human investors fail to make money with Forex trading-it is difficult. There is no program that will get you rich, and you are usually better served to invest yourself. If you do plan on using software, make sure to research it thoroughly beforehand. There is nothing wrong with using a robot, and for some traders it is a necessity. After all, it can take a long time to analyze the market, and if you have a day job this might not be practical. However, not all software packages are created equal. Just be sure that you have read a number of reviews before committing to any program.

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Many investors believe that all their trades are going to make money, and they jump in with reckless abandon. However, even expert traders lose money on a huge percentage of their trades, and you will do the same. Make sure you always have a set point you will see the investment at no matter what, and stick with that at all costs. Just remember: the key to successful Forex trading is limiting your losses and riding your winners. This is true of any investment opportunity, and Forex trading is no different. Many times you will find brokers giving high leverages of up to 150:1, but these are very dangerous, particularly if you are new. If you are a beginner, do not go any higher than 10:1 to limit the risk. There is still significant profit potential with low leverage positions, but the loss potential is significantly less. Making money with trading Forex is all about being disciplined. Ideally, you should learn how to invest yourself, as opposed to using software. It does take time, but the end results will be worth it. This is because a good human investor can always spot opportunities that robot software cannot. Use these 3 tips and you will see results shortly. The explosive popularity of the forex trading game has captivated millions of investors. A number of these forex trading investors are earning millions of dollars in investments.

Are you looking for the best forex trading platform? ActTrader is a full-featured forex trading platfrom that allow traders to customize workspace using tabs and detachable windows. Unlike MT4 and MT5, ActTrader comes with built-in One-click trading feature, that allows traders to open and manage positions in the fastest manner. In 2011 ActForex launched FXApps, an analog of Metaquotes' MQL4 CodeBase. FxApps is an app store for Traders to find the best automated trading strategies, desined exclusively for the ActTrader platform. For those that don't have programming skills, ActForex released ActVat, an Visual Strategy Editor in the ActTrader platfrom, that allows you to automate your trading strategies directly from charts without writing a single line of code. Mirror Trader is a forex trading platform, that uses cutting edge technology to provide traders with wide set of trading strategies. Automatic Mirroring - Mirror Trader will automatically execute selected trading strategies on your forex account. No manual confirmation needed. Semi Automatic Mirroring - You will be able to view all the strategies’signals in real time and confirm manually only the trades you want to mirror to your forex account. Trader is a true ECN platform developed by Spotware. It offers traders a large set technical analysis tools, access to a deep pool of liquidity providers such as Boston Prime, Citi and Sucden Financial, and lightning fast execution.

If you plan to start trading FOREX online you will of course be using a software system. This system will make it easy for you to get information quickly about market prices and make trades. There are two types of FOREX software available, client based and web based. As the FOREX market is a fast moving market and you will need up to the minute information to make informed transactions, it is up to you to see you have a high speed internet connection. Dial up internet access will absolutely not work for this. Another consideration could be the location of the servers used by your broker. If your broker's servers are located quite a distance from you, say in another country, this could potentially slow down your transmissions. If you plan to trade online you will need a modern computer and high speed internet connection. The next consideration would be which type of software, client based or web based?

Upgraded software packages are usually offered at an extra monthly fee by brokers.

Web based software is housed on your brokers website. You will not have to install any software on your own computer. A web based software program will allow you to log in from any computer that has an internet connection. A client based software program, or one that you download into your own computer will limit you to transactions only on the computer it is downloaded on. Web based software programs are preferred by most brokers who think they are more safe and reliable. Web based software tends to be less vulnerable to attack from viruses and hackers during transmissions than client based software. Any FOREX software should offer you real-time quotes and offer means to quickly enter and exit the market. These are minimal requirements of any trading software. Upgraded software packages are usually offered at an extra monthly fee by brokers. Generally brokers will have client information housed on two severs kept in two different locations. This is to guarantee client data is kept as safe as possible. If there is a power failure or a problem with one server the data is sent back and forth from the second secure server and you will not notice an interruption. Regular back ups of these servers is another way that brokers keep financial data safe in case of server failure.

Forex trading for beginners can be difficult, especially if there is limited knowledge or no basic knowledge about it. The foreign exchange market is difficult to understand with all the currencies, the values and the conversions. That is why beginners should get more knowledge about it or even try to learn how investors do it. It seems so hard, but in reality, it is easy; however, first one must learn how to learn and survive. People have different perspectives and understanding on how it works. The exchange is like having difficulties with choosing a college course or maintaining a QPI to be able to graduate. The foreign exchange market is composed of a world where money and currencies keep everyone all together, and the money keeps flowing in from the investors. The Great Depression was one of the reasons why those in the stock market try to avoid it from happening again today. First, a beginner who is trying to invest in the foreign exchange market and trade should evaluate themselves in order to decide whether they are ready, and what they need to do.

If the base is going up, the quote is down, or when the base is down, the quote is up.

There are a few steps that traders need to accomplish before getting into the real deal. • Currency Pairs - One should know the basic currency pairing, especially since this is the part where the knowledge will give a beginner the skill to invest and trade. In currency pairs, one should be the base, while the other should be the quote. In every pair, the units differ, and one must be familiar with them. • Price Movements - This is the part where the movement barely seems to move, but one must be attentive to know and see the differences with what is happening. If the base is going up, the quote is down, or when the base is down, the quote is up. This is also another important component for one to familiarize with. • Margin - Trading of the currencies is like a game, the only problem is that it can be a win or lose game. To be on the safe side, one must begin with a margin amount that is just enough to avoid bankruptcy. Once the currency improves, he or she should increase the amount and then use leverage. • Commissions - The brokers do not get commissions, but they can make money with the bid and ask investors. The brokers usually compare which is the strongest dealer in the exchange and will go for that and not with the weakest deal.

Tuesday, pressured by a rise in safe-haven currencies as investors fretted over a possible escalation in U.S.-China trade tensions with talks just hours away. The latest round of trade talks, slated for around 5:00 PM ET (21:00 GMT), are fraught with uncertainty as new U.S. China reportedly vowing to respond in-kind. Fearing the return of tit-for-tat tariffs between the U.S. China, traders piled into safe-haven currencies like USD/JPY and USD/CHF to keep the dollar in the red. 200 billion of Chinese goods on Friday, after member of his trade team accused China of backtracking on promises. Fueling the negative expectations ahead of the talks, CNBC reported that Vice Premier Liu He no longer holds the title of "special envoy" for President Xi Jinping, suggesting he is on a "tighter leash" that would limit his deal-making ability. Lower-than-expected U.S. wholesale inflation also added to the dollar’s woes as it reaffirmed expectations that pace of inflation is unlikely to gather momentum, leaving the Federal Reserve to remain on pause for the immediate future. The Labor Department said Tuesday its core producer price index for final demand increased 0.1% last month, below economists' forecasts.

Someone financed these expensive, currently non productive assets.

The index can be looked upon as a measuring 2 related issues. A measure of shipping dry goods. As such is does not include any speculative element like stocks or bonds. A measure of over capacity in the number of ships built and active to transport cargo. Either way this index cannot currently be construed as positive. Either there is simply not enough goods being shipped, a sign of economic slow down or there are many multi million dollar ships on anchor awaiting a cargo. Someone financed these expensive, currently non productive assets. Sounds like banks to me, possibly European based banks. Looking at and relying on one index is usually not a good idea. Another index the Harpex concentrates on the shipment of container freight and is thus a wider index than just considering dry commodities. Possible dates for the start of a s/t pull back in equities. Venus entering Aries on Feb 8 and Venus squaring Uranus on Feb 9 could also be triggers. While we await a good spot to short equities for a short term pull back, there is a long term astrological signature taking place on Friday. That is Neptune, the planet of illusion, spirituality and delusion, enters Pisces, the sign that it rules. Neptune also rules such things as water, oil and gases. When such long term events take place it is often interesting to go back in time when the event has happened before and look at some of the major themes. This is an approximate 164 year event. Neptune entered Pisces on Dec 6, 1848 and was in the sign for approx. What was going on. The gold rush, the Mexican war and the lead up to the Civil War. Interestingly the first commercial oil well was started approximately 1859, near the end of Neptunes last trip through Pisces.

trading in foreign exchange marketWhat is forex trading? The forex, or foreign exchange (abbreviated as FX), market is a global decentralised market for the trading of currencies. This market determines foreign exchange rates based on the forces of supply and demand. The FX market includes all aspects of buying, selling and exchanging currencies at current prices. It has the largest market trading volume in the world. The foreign exchange markets works through financial institutions and operates on several levels. There are a broad spectrum of actors in the FX market, ranging from big investment banks all the way down to retail traders. While some foreign exchange is done for practical purposes (e.g. to facilitate travelling abroad), the vast majority of foreign exchange is undertaken by traders with the aim of making a profit. The sheer volume of currency converted in a day can make FX markets extremely volatile - and it is this volatility that makes FX so appealing to traders.

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Topic title: How To Choose MQL4 Live Trading Result For Profitable Currency Trading
Topic covered: foreign currency exchange, forex forum, forex trading news, how to do forex trading, money trade exchange

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